August Rush for School

Well its that time of year again- School Starts. I cant beleive it is here already, it seems like the kids just got out of school. It starts for our kids in Kearney Missouri on August 17th. It has been really busy in the world of Real Estate the last few weeks. People are trying to find and purchase their New Homes and get their children enrolled before the cut off dates. Since it is such a busy time of year for some here are a few tips to ease your family's anxiety:

  1. Be Enthusiastic- If you are excited and confident, your child will be too.
  2. Prepare yourself- Note your child's reaction to separation. If possible, visit the new setting together and introduce your child to the new teachers in advance.
  3. Start daily routines- Let your child become involved with packing their lunch and laying out their clothes the night before. Also, begin an earlier bedtime at least a week before.
  4. Pack the night before- Make sure your child packs their backpack every night before bed. This will eliminate the morning rush.
  5. Always say "Good-Bye" to your child- Be firm, but friendly about separating.
  6. At the end of the day, put aside your work concerns and focus on being a Parent!

I hope this will help with the Back to School Stress.


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